
Our services cover everything an artist needs to get their tracks 100% broadcast, streaming, vinyl and release ready.

Every project is different and deserves its own attention. This guide is to help give an idea of how you may be quoted.

The more detail you are able to share about your project, the more accurately we will be able to produce a quote for you. We work on a per-hour basis, we will give an estimate based on our discussions but if projects grow or additional requests are made that exceed our discussions, we will need to consider the extra time taken but are always happy to provide it. We will always inform you if any requests will require additional time to be considered before commencing on them. The more we know the more we can give an accurate quote for the project.

Available below is a quoting guide for individual services for anyone looking for a particular specialty.

Individual Services

Mastering (Analogue Processing)
  • ● $75 per individual song ($65 per song for Albums or EPs with over 5 tracks).
  • ● $15 additional per song for vinyl masters.
  • ● Includes digital release version suitable for distribution, CDs and MP3s.
  • ● Higher quality than generally required WAVs can be produced complimentary on request.
  • ● Spotify-specific versions (approx. -14LUFS) can be produced on request.
  • ● Revision included.
  • ● Complimentary pre-master Mix Revision notes for all tracks offered.
  • ● Discounts also apply to songs Recorded or Mixed through Moreish Studios.
Stem Mastering (Analogue Processing)
  • ● A hybrid Mixing and Mastering alternative for mixed tracks that need a little more professional attention to complete.
  • ● $140 per song
  • ● $15 additional per song for vinyl masters.
  • ● Includes digital release version suitable for distribution, CDs and MP3s.
  • ● Higher quality than generally required WAVs can be produced complimentary on request.
  • ● Spotify-specific versions (approx. -14LUFS) can be produced on request.
  • ● Revision included.
Mixing (Analogue Processing)
  • ● $60 per hour.
  • (E.g. Singer-songwriter track (+/-) 2-3 hours or full standard band track (+/-) 6-8 hours.)
  • Let us know all about your project and we will provide a detailed quote.
  • ● Simple levelling revisions are complimentary.
  • ● In-person revision sessions can be arranged in lieu of online revisions for $250 for a 5hr Session.
  • Advanced Editing (Auto-Tune, Pitch-Correction & Compiling) are available for an extra fee that is dependent on the work load. This can be discussed and added on at a later time if needed.
Recording – Studio A: Premium Studio
  • ● $750 full day booking.
  • ● $500 half day booking.
  • ● Recorded at Lily Street Studio Location.
  • ● Beautiful Studio and Acoustically Treated Space.
  • ● Includes Shane as Recording Sound Engineer.
  • ● Special Deals and Discounts for Post-Production Mixing & Mastering.
  • ● An additional room can be rented for the session for extra loud players in need of heavier isolation for $150 a day.
Recording – Studio B: Overdubs, Vocals and Voice Overs
  • STUDIO B is a post-production studio with recording facilities. Please note, it is only available to clients that are already involved in a project with our engineers as a means to create a cost effective way to add additional recordings to the existing projects without hiring the entire STUDIO A space.
  • ● $75 per hour.
  • Multi-track Recordings available.
  • ● All processing through high-quality analogue gear and microphones.
  • Advanced Editing (Auto-Tune, Pitch-Correction & Compiling) are available for an extra fee that is dependent on the work load. This can be discussed and added on at a later time if needed.
  • ● $75 per hour.
  • ● Rate includes producer, song-writer and musician recording sessions.
  • ● Let us know all about your project and what you are hoping for and we will provide a detailed quote.
  • ● A demo of the proposed song is provided for approval before official commencement.
  • ● Includes the involvement of 2 experienced songwriter multi-musicians to make up your personal songwriting team and band for the recording/s.
  • ● For those who want to take it a step further, we have access to some of Melbourne’s finest session musicians of all instruments to play over your tracks.



Helpful Examples

To give a some perspective here are some average prices for services and combinations:

● Recording, Mixing and Mastering of a simple song (vocals/piano/guitar) = Approx. $150 for 2 hours recording (inc. set-up fee), $150 for 3 hours mixing and editing, $50 for mastering. Bringing the estimate to $400 per track.

● Mixing and Mastering of a full band production track (Guitar x2, Keys, Bass, Drums, Vocals) = Approx. $350 for 1 Day Mixing + Revisions, $50 for Mastering bringing the estimate to $400 per track.

● Song-writers interested in production to fully flesh out their tracks with multiple instruments will included all services including: Recording, Writing (of parts to be produced), Production, Mixing and Mastering is estimated to average around $1000-2500 a track. This price is variable depending on the amount of work requested and additional people involved.
** All prices in AUD. We accept payment thru Direct Bank Deposit, Debit and Credit Card payments via Xero’s reliable and secure network. Please note that our credit card service Stripe incurs a 1.75% fee for credit cards and debit cards. We apologise for the inconvenience and we have provided feeless means of payments as well for clients who prefer to avoid this.
** All services and packages are subject to our Terms & Conditions, we encourage you to look at it while deciding on what service may be most suitable for your needs.