Mixing can be an arduous, meticulous part of the music production process – which is why it’s a topic seldom talked about apart from technical discussions, when we think of conversations purely on creativity or art direction. However, if you’re a songwriter who wants to elevate a decent, rough mix to another level, you’ll need a mixing engineer to achieve that professional quality.

Moreish Studios understands the importance of this step. That’s why we created this article to help you find the right engineer, and highlight the key factors to consider when making your choice.

Why You Need Mixing Engineers

Imagine you’re an aspiring singer or a fairly successful artist, and you’re hit with motivation to record a few songs. To do that, you’ll spend a week or two busy with the songwriting process, composition, arranging and recording.

After getting part of the work done, all that’s left is to mix and master it. Sure, mixing your own music can be fairly easy to get into, especially if you already know your way around digital audio workstations (DAWs).

However, it’s a labour-intensive task. The hours spent on mixing can take away your freedom to pursue other things. This will also push back any plans for early release dates, and disrupt parts of your life that you don’t want consumed by the meticulousness of work.

Adding to this – if mixing isn’t your strong suit, there’s a chance that an element in the mix can come across the wrong way, or doesn’t capture the texture, emotion or message that you’re wanting to convey in the sound. Its influence has the potential to be detrimental to other aspects in the mix, such as vocal production and instrumentations, which ultimately lead to a poorly executed end product.

Cue your mixing engineers.

Just like businesses have specialised teams for different functions, a mixing engineer is a professional dedicated to making your music sound polished, structured and levelled to your creative taste. 

Again, you could probably mix songs yourself, but if hiring a skilled mixing engineer can help elevate your tracks to a higher and superior standard, then why not? 


Choosing The Right Mixing Engineer For You

There are a lot of factors involved in getting the right engineer for your song, and we’ll explore some key considerations:

Where To Look

First, we have to find a mixing engineer offering their services for a reasonable price, and we’ll mostly do the looking online.

Platforms such as Fiverr, Reddit, and SoundBetter offer the best options in terms of price and variety to choose from.

Of course, there’s the option to look for mixing engineers near you, and we highly recommend going local as they will understand your music the most. I find that the best way to find these studios is to ask friends or colleagues to recommend one that fits your budget.

Budget and Expectations

Speaking of budget, the more expensive the service doesn’t necessarily mean ‘better mixing.’ Choosing the right one really depends on your music style – the goal here is to find the engineer who understands your thinking, the emotions you want to convey in your songs, and your target audience.

Expanding on this, it’s helpful to listen to several engineers’ portfolios and choose whoever resonates with you the most. If you like how the sound, vocals, reverb, etc., play out and you feel like they would work well with your style, you might have found the right mixing engineer for you.

If you are unsure how much mixing services should cost, feel free to check out our packages. These prices are based on the average rates of a premier music production studio in Australia.


Before working with your chosen provider, it’s important to know that an engineer’s personality can be a game-changer or a dealbreaker.

Since music production is inherently iterative and can involve several revisions, you’ll most likely want someone open to feedback without ego, and willing to suggest changes to make the end product better. Despite its technicality, the collaborative process can be surprisingly delicate – there’s an inherent need for an aesthetic understanding between artist and engineer, translating the initial trackings and creative vision into a record that’s sonically fit.

One way to differentiate between the good and the bad in the market is to explore client reviews, reviewing for a history of working relationships with the engineer in question and a track record of successful collaborations. 


Final Verdict

So, what’s better, hiring a professional or doing it yourself? In reality, there’s no correct answer – it depends on what works best for you.

If you’re willing to invest in mixing and get better at a craft you care about, great! However, a mixing engineer is your best friend if you don’t have the time or skillset, or if your song features complex elements.

Moreish Studios understands this need for quality recordings that are 100% broadcast, streaming, vinyl and release-ready. We ensure that we practise what we preach by working with cutting-edge gear and facilities to get the final product you deserve.

Of course, every project is different and quotes may vary. Contact us today to get started on our first mix.